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Cusco – Puno 7 Days

Get the best of Peru with a package holiday that includes Cusco, a city full of history, culture and tradition. Visit Machu Picchu, the Sacred Valley, and travel to the city of Puno, making the Ruta del Sol trek.

In Puno, sail Lake Titicaca, and experience the lake’s inhabitants at Los Uros and Taquile Island.

Discover the mystery of the Peruvian Andes with our Peru Holidays.

icon clock Duration: 7 Daysicon sleep Acomodation: Hotel
icon mountain Difficulty: Lowicon calendar Season: All year
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Arrival in the city of Cusco, reception and transfer to the hotel selected by a representative of our travel agency. Rest of the day free to acclimatize to the altitude of 3,350 m.s.s. Approximately.

** Accommodation in Cusco.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Free morning Departure from the hotel from 1:00 p.m. to 1:20 p.m., to begin with the visit to the city and the nearby archaeological centers: the Tour will show us the impressive colonial city built on the foundations of Inkas; we will visit the cathedral; Renaissance structure and beautiful paintings from the “School of Cuzco”, Koricancha or Temple of the Sun; known as the Royal House of the Sun of Urin Cusco. We continue with the visit to the four Archaeological Centers: Sacsayhuaman; great fortress located 5 km from the city, Qenqo; sacred amphitheater, center of worship of the god Puma, place where human sacrifices were made, Pucapucara; red fortress due to the hue that its rocks acquire in the evening light and Tambomachay; temple to worship water.

** Accommodation in Cusco.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Hotel search service at the agreed time to make our visit to the Sacred Valley. During the tour, we will visit the city of Pisaq; the picturesque colonial city of the mestizos, also on Sundays, the mass is celebrated in Quechua and then rises to the archaeological center of Pisaq; where we can observe the magnificent platforms of Inkas architecture, then we will visit the towns of Ccoya, Lamay, Calca and Urubamba. Buffet lunch In the afternoon, guided visit to the village of Ollantaytambo; place where the Ollantaytambo archaeological park is located, a gigantic social and religious agricultural administrative complex in Tahuantinsuyo. Finally, we will enter the town of Chinchero, known for its artisan textile centers. Return to the city of Cusco.

** Accommodation in Cusco


Breakfast at the hotel.

Hotel search service. Transfer to the train station in Ollantaytambo to begin our trip to the Citadel of Machu Picchu, after a 1:45 hour tour. By train, a representative of our travel agency awaits you at the Aguas Calientes station and then transfers you to the bus station, where we will take the bus that will take us to the lost city of Inkas, «Machu Picchu», rediscovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham. We will enjoy a guided visit to the main buildings of the citadel, such as: El Mirador, Temple of the Three Windows, Intihuatana, Plaza Mayor, etc. We will return to the city of Aguas Calientes. Lunch at a local restaurant. In the afternoon, we will take the train to return to the Ollantaytambo station, where a transfer awaits you to direct you to the bus that will take you back to the city of Cusco.

** Accommodation in Cusco


Breakfast at the hotel.

Transfer to the bus station at 07:00. Departure to the city of Puno on the tourist bus service. During the trip, we will cross the picturesque town of Andahuaylillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaylillas, dating from the 17th century, better known as the Sistine Chapel of the Americas, due to its polychrome ceiling and the beauty of its murals. in Pan de Oro and the paintings of the Cusqueña school, which it houses inside.

On the way, we stop at Raqchi, where we can see a spectacular Inca Sanctuary built by the Inca Pachacuteq and dedicated to the great God Wiracocha. It has a large central wall with a stone base of beautiful Inca architecture. The other walls are made of giant adobe bricks. The structure also has two circular side columns. Around the temple, we find several buildings used as housing or warehouse.

Stop where we will have a buffet lunch in a quiet restaurant in the country, where you can enjoy the delicious culinary art of the region. Later, we pass through La Raya, which is the border between the cities of Cusco and Puno, more than 4,335 m.s.s.l., where the famous CHIMBOYA is located, covered in snow, from where the AMAZONA river originates. Where tourists can take photos of the landscape, the visit lasts from 5 to 7 minutes.

Along the way, we visit the impressive Lithic Museum. In this Museum, we can find representative zoomoric figures of Ceramics and Sculptures, among them the Hatunñaqac Sculpture, translated into our language, the Supreme Cutthroat of the ancient Pucara Culture. We will stop in the city of Ayaviri, an important center for livestock and textiles. Arrival at the Puno bus station, reception and transfer to the chosen hotel, by a representative of our travel agency.

** Accommodation in Puno


Breakfast at the hotel.

Very early transfer from the hotel to the dock or main port, to board our boat and visit the Floating Islands of Los Uros currently considered The National Reserve of Lake Titicaca, about 30 minutes away, the people of the Uros still maintain their own culture and tradition, as well as artisanal fishing, mainly (CARACHI) and prateira. When the catch is abundant, they keep the fish by drying them in the sun. They also hunt wild birds and collect duck eggs. There are 75 islands living today, and each island is well organized. After a short visit of 40 min. We will continue the trip to the Natural Island of Taquile, whose inhabitants are mainly engaged in agriculture, crafts and fishing. The locals continue to live in accordance with their ancient Inca traditions and laws, with customs, religious and popular manifestations, such as: marriage (Sirvinacuy), payment of the land (Pachamama). It should be noted that spinning and weaving are mainly done by men, from the age of eight. Women exclusively manufacture threads and fabrics. Then we will try a typical lunch included. After lunch: Passengers will have two free hours to visit the artisan center of the city, take pictures with panoramic views and return to the city of Puno (to their respective hotels).

** Accommodation in Puno


Breakfast at the hotel. At the right time, transfer to the airport.

Breakfast on this day will depend on the time of transfer from the hotel.


The tour schedule will be confirmed at the destination.




  • Services with professional bilingual guide (Spanish or English).
  • Tickets included.


  • In / out transfers in Cusco.
  • 04 nights of accommodation in Cusco with breakfast.
  • City Tour and Nearby Archaeological Centers.
  • Sacred Valley of the Incas with lunch.
  • Machu Picchu: by Peru Rail Expedition or Executive Inca Rail (subject to availability).
  • 01 lunch in Machu Picchu in a local restaurant.
  • Bus in tourist service (Cusco / Puno) with road tours and picnic.
  • Fist
  • Inbound / outbound transfers in Puno.
  • 02 nights of accommodation in Puno with breakfast.
  • Uros and Taquile Islands with lunch.


  • National or international plane tickets.
  • Services not detailed in the program.
  • Hot and / or cold drinks.



  • All rates are in US dollars (optional for currency exchange) and are programmed per person.
  • The rates valid for Peruvians only include VAT.
  • All our rates are subject to availability and changes.
  • Children under 02 years and 11 months are considered INF (babies), do not pay any service and do not have the right to food, bed or seat on the tours.
  • DCC (child) is considered a child from 03 to 10 years and 11 months, has a special rate and shares a room with parents.
  • Children over 11 years old considered adults.
  • Minors must travel with an identity document.
  • Rates do not apply to holidays, Easter, long weekends, national holidays, Christmas or New Years.

More Information

The city of Cusco is rich for the amount of tourist resources it presents, and for the history that precedes it. Among the tourist attractions to be found in Cusco, there are places like the Historical Centre of Cusco, which includes more than seven catholic churches of colonial origin.


It is the first site that we will visit, it is located in the Plaza de Armas of the city of Cusco or Cuzco; it was built with huge blocks of stone in 1560, over the Inca palace of Wiracocha in the Sunturwasi, in this wonderful religious construction you can appreciate beautiful wood carvings, embossed silver works and approximately 300 paintings of the Cusco School.

The Cathedral of Cusco has a Renaissance style façade that contrasts with the Baroque and Plateresque of its lavish interiors where the most significant religious examples of colonial art are preserved.


It is one of the most important religious centres of the Inca empire, and it is definitely one of the best examples of the fusion of the Inca and Spanish cultures. It is located 2 blocks from the main square of Cusco; it houses paintings of the Cusco School and Inca structures that are true works of art.

Qoricancha was considered as the Royal House of the Sun of the Urin Qosqo for the Incas where they paid the highest obeisance to the God Inti (Sun). It also housed different temples dedicated to their Gods such as: Pachamama (Mother Earth), the Ray (Illapa), Rainbow (Kuychi), Chaska (Venus and the Stars), Quilla (Moon), the Solar Drum where the God Punchao (Golden Child) was located.

Nowadays, it is there where part of the Inti Raymi, also known as the festival of the sun, takes place.


Located 2 Km. from the city of Cusco, it is one of the most enigmatic places on the planet, its 3 superimposed platforms of 390 mt. long, were built with “enormous carved stones” and fitted together with incredible precision; you can appreciate stones up to nine meters high and more than 120 tons of weight. This place is the head of the puma formed by the original layout of the imperial city of Cusco.

In the time of the Incas it was considered the Royal House of the Sun of the Hanan Qosqo for being a religious, administrative and political centre for the Incas.  Nowadays, the Inti Raymi or Festival of the Sun is celebrated here on the 24th of June every year.


It is located 1 km. from Sacsayhuaman and 4 km. from the city of Cusco and will be your next stop.

Qenqo was a centre of astronomical and ceremonial Inca cult; it was dedicated to the mother earth. In this place there is an underground cavern where the mummification of the dead was carried out, an amphitheatre where there was a monolith carved in stone with figures of toads and monkeys of a great size and around it there are trapezoidal niches where the Incas placed their dead; nowadays, only half of the original structure remains.


This will be the next place you will visit. It is located 10 minutes away from Qenqo and is known as the red fortress, thanks to the amount of iron present in its stones. It is deduced that this place was used as a military post and resting place, and it is possible that its function was that of a military space. It was the main control point for the entrance to the city of Cusco.


It is the last site of the Cusco City Tour, it is located only 100 meters from Pucapucara and 8 km. to the northeast of the city of Cusco; it was used as a centre of worship and water cult. The enclosure is formed by a set of finely carved rocks, waterfalls, canals and aqueducts fed by nearby springs that come from the Ojos de Agua de los Nevados.

What is the Sacred Valley of the Incas like?

This valley was a sacred area for the Incas as it comprised an extensive territory very productive for agriculture.

The main products cultivated by the Incas were: corn, potatoes, olluco, quinoa and the coca leaf, considered a sacred plant. Today, agriculture is still one of the main activities of the inhabitants of this valley.

Due to the vast agricultural activity in the valley, the Incas decided to build their main temples and cities there.

The most important urban centres were Pisac, Yucay, Chinchero and Ollantaytambo. Even further into the jungle, Emperor Pachacutec ordered the construction of a beautiful citadel that would serve as his resting place and border with the jungle peoples: Machu Picchu.

The Salkantay and Veronica mountains (considered gods by the Incas) crown the beautiful landscape. Today, the river, the mountains and the land are still considered sacred by the people of Cusco who inhabit these lands. Many tourists come to the Sacred Valley to see its history and beauty.

Main citadels in the Sacred Valley to visit:

Elected Wonder of the World

Machu Picchu was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983. Machu Picchu was also declared one of the new 7 Wonders of the World in 2007.

Machu Picchu was chosen in 2016 as the best destination in the world in a vote by users of the travel website ‘TripAdvisor’.

History of the Citadel of Machu Picchu

This ancient Inca city known as Machu Picchu or Machupicchu, is one of Peru’s most precious treasures. It was built in the middle of the 15th century and it is believed that it was one of the residences of the ninth Inca of the Tahuantinsuyo, Pachacutec,

(considered the great transformer of the Inca empire), although in it there are also the remains of a great Sanctuary (Sacred Place where they worshipped their diverse gods, especially the Sun God), with diverse temples such as: temple of the sun, temple of the 3 windows, temple of the Pachamama, the Inti Huatana, the royal Mausoleum, among others,

Its name means old mountain – Machu Picchu, and refers to the place where it is located, at about 2453 m.a.s.l., on a rocky premonitory between Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu. Machu Picchu is divided into 3 sectors: agricultural sector, religious sector, urban sector.

Today, this Inca jewel is one of the country’s tourist attractions. Travellers come to (Aguas Calientes-Machupicchu village) to start the Inca trail made popular by Hiram Bingham at the beginning of the 20th century.

The historic sanctuary of Machu Picchu is considered one of the New Seven Wonders of the Modern World and was declared a World Heritage Site in 1983. Machu Picchu Peru.

After visiting the city of Cusco, we can make the connection to the city of Puno and enjoy all the wonderful things it offers.

Puno is a city of folklore and colourful costumes in each of its streets. Although it is true that, when walking, one feels the almost 4,000 meters above sea level, it is known as the “City of the Sacred Lake”, since in its lands lies Lake Titicaca, famous for having been the Pacarina, from which, according to the myth, Manco Capac and Mama Ocllo would have emerged.

Among the tourist attractions found in the city of Puno, there are places such as the Plaza de Armas of the city, in the centre of which there is a statue that reproduces the image of Francisco Bolognesi. Around the square, there are important political and religious establishments of the region, one of those is the Basilica Cathedral of Puno, which was built under the protection of the Virgin of the Immaculate Conception in the XVII century, and which today is part of the Cultural Heritage of the Nation.

What you should know about Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is the highest lake in the world, at more than 3800 metres above sea level. As you know, it has a part in Bolivia and another in Peru, plus several inhabited islands that you can visit.

On the Peruvian side are: Uros Island, Taquile Island and Amantani Island in Puno, three different places with an interesting, attractive and captivating culture.

What to see in Puno in one day?

Visiting the city of Puno in one day is totally possible on your own and you can even walk around the centre of Puno in a relaxed way, take pictures and have something to eat.

You can also visit:

  • The Cathedral and the Plaza de Armas.
  • Pino Park.
  • Carlos Dreyer Museum.
  • Walk along the Jiron Lima.
  • The viewpoints.
  • The Candelaria Festivity.
  • The Museum of Customs.
  • The Yavari boat.
  • Visit Lake Titicaca among others,

How do they build the floating islands?

The men are responsible for collecting the roots of the totora reeds when they come to the surface in the rainy season.

They then plait the roots and tie them together tightly with rope to make blocks. An island floats on about thirty blocks to which a layer of dry reed is added. And they are held in place with heavy stones in the water that serve as anchors to keep the island from moving.

An island can have a lifespan of 30 years and can house 5 to 10 families.

Did you know about the Uros Islands what?

The Uros Island is made up of some 80 artificial islands, which are often the first stop when visiting Lake Titicaca. Its inhabitants are considered to be the oldest in the area, and were nomadic people who came from Bolivia.

Today, some 2000 people live on the Uros islands. Their language is Aymara and they learn Spanish in the school on one of the islands.

The Uros Islands are built by their own inhabitants with totora reeds from the same lake and it takes them about a year to build each one, and they usually last about 30-40 years. They also use totora reeds for their boats.



We have price alternatives that accommodate all budgets, prices per person, expressed in US Dollars.

Make your quotes and reservations by email [email protected], you can also communicate with one of our sales executives at the telephones detailed below, we will be happy to assist you.

Phone – WhatsApp: +51 969 787 221
Phone – WhatsApp: +51 986 994 218


To start the reservation process, please send us the following information:

  • Name and surname:
  • Passport number:
  • Nationality:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Phone:
  • Very important – We need the address and information about the hotel that you are staying at, in the city of Cusco, to be able to pick you up at the time when the tour starts

To confirm reservations it is required to pay 50% in advance and the other 50% can be paid upon arrival at your destination.




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