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Lima – Paracas – Ica – Nazca – Cusco 9 Days

Explore Lima, Paracas, Nazca and Cusco on our 9-day tour package, enjoy every moment and every place full of authenticity, history and natural beauty, starting in the city of Lima, and continue south to the region of Ica and visit the desert, see the world’s largest geoglyphs and enjoy a luxury picnic.

Finally, visit the imperial city of Cusco, home to incredible mysteries and history. Live an unforgettable adventure in the main sites such as: Machu Picchu, Sacred Valley of the Incas, 7 Colours Mountain Rainbow Mountain, more.

icon clock Duration: 9 daysicon sleep Acomodation: Hotel
icon mountain Difficulty: Lowicon calendar Season: All year
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DAY 01: Lima (A)

Reception at the airport of Lima

Reception at Lima airport and transfer to the hotel by a representative of our travel agency. Rest of the day free.

** Accommodation in Lima.


Breakfast at the hotel.

ANCESTRAL FILE; We begin our tour with a view of the Miraflores district, with a panoramic view of the “Pyramid of Pucllana”, a magnificent pre-Inca ceremonial centre built in the 4th century AD. This survived the urban expansion of Lima.

Then we go to the Parque del Amor, on the Malecon of Miraflores, where we will observe the Pacific Ocean, passing through the Olivar San Isidro Park.

COLONIAL LIMA; We visit the Historical Centre of Lima, where you will appreciate more than fifty monuments and colonial buildings, especially the Paseo da República, Plaza San Martín, where a brief explanation of all the events took place, the Plaza Mayor, the Government Palace, the Archbishop’s Palace, the Cathedral Basilica, the Municipal Palace, among others.

We will enter one of the most important convents of the 17th century, the Convent of San Francisco. We will visit the old Library, the Choir, the Main Cloister and the underground crypts known as catacombs.

At the end of our tour, you will have the option to stay at the Indian market in Larcomar or return to your hotel. ** Overnight in Lima


Breakfast at the hotel.

05:40 Hrs. Transfer to Cruz del Sur bus station.

06:40 Hrs. Departure to the city of Paracas by tourist bus.

10:40 Hrs. Arrival to the city of Paracas, reception and transfer.

11:00 Visit to the Paracas Reserve.

This is a huge protected area located southwest of the city of Pisco. The name of this beautiful place is derived from a Quechua word meaning “sand rain”, probably due to the strong winds that blow at night in this place.

The Paracas Reserve is also very important, as its waters are home to abundant amounts of zooplankton and phytoplankton, which allows for a variety of fish that enable industrial and artisanal fishing. This is a very important activity in the city of Pisco.

The Paracas Reserve covers an area of 335,000 hectares and is considered one of the most important ecosystems on the planet. During our visit, we can enjoy the beautiful cliffs and beaches along this promenade (Playa Roja, Playa de Yumaque, Lagunilla).

We can also enjoy groups of flamingos feeding by the sea. To better appreciate these beautiful birds, you will have to take a short walk to a small viewpoint from where you can see them more closely.

According to some historians, these were the birds that inspired the liberator San Martin to create the colours of our red and white flag. Then you can visit the Interpretation Centre of the Reserve, where you can learn about the marine flora and fauna of the Paracas Reserve. Free afternoon. ** Overnight in Paracas.


Breakfast at the hotel.

07:45 Hrs. Transfer to the pier.

08:00 Hrs. Departure by boat to the Ballestas Islands. Paracas Peninsula Tour, the most important wildlife sanctuary of the Peruvian coast.

Motorboat trip to the Ballestas Islands, in the Paracas National Reserve, where we will have the opportunity to see the “Chandelier”, a giant figure in the style of the Nazca Lines made in the sand. In addition, watch sea lions, silly birds, pelicans, penguins and other seabirds. Return to the pier. Duration approx. 2 hours

10:45 a.m. Departure to Ica by tourist bus.

12:10 Hrs. Arrival to the city of Ica and transfer to start our tour.

City Panoramic Tour of the City of Ica, we will have the following visits: The Cathedral of the city of Ica, some vineyards of the region and the Huacachina Lagoon is a place of traditional rest for the locals, the Lagoon looks like an Oasis in the centre of the desert city, formed a splendid landscape of dunes and huarangos.

Transfer to the chosen hotel.

** Accommodation in Ica.


Breakfast at the hotel.

09:00 Departure to the city of Nazca by tourist bus.

At 11:15 am Arrival to the city of Nazca and transfer to the airport, where we will have an introductory video of the Nazca Lines.

FLIGHT TO THE NAZCA LINES; We will board at 11:30 a.m. a plane that will fly over the mysterious Nazca Lines; huge drawings of animals, birds and geometric figures drawn in the desert, that can only be enjoyed from the air, we will finish this adventure around 15:00. (Free afternoon).

At the agreed time, transfer to the Cruz del Sur Bus Station to board the bus to the city of Cusco. The bus from Nazca leaves at 21h, travel time: 15 hours.

** Overnight on board the bus.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Reception at the bus station and transfer to the hotel chosen by a representative of our travel agency.

Pick up from the hotel between 13:00 and 13:20, to start with the visit to the city and the nearby archaeological centres: we will visit the Cathedral; Renaissance structure and beautiful paintings of the “Cuzco School”, Koricancha or Temple of the Sun; known as the Royal House of the Sun of Urin Cusco.

We continue with the visit to the four Archaeological Centres: Sacsayhuaman; great fortress located 5 km from the city, Qenqo; sacred amphitheatre, centre of worship of the god Puma, place where human sacrifices were made.

Finally we will visit Pucapucara; red fortress due to the tone that acquires its rocks in the light of the twilight and Tambomachay; temple to worship the water.

** Overnight in Cusco.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Hotel pick-up service at the time arranged for our visit to the Sacred Valley.

During the tour, we will visit the city of Pisaq; the picturesque colonial city of the mestizos, also on Sundays, we will celebrate the mass in Quechua and then we will go up to the archaeological centre of Pisaq; where we can observe the magnificent platforms of the Inkas architecture.

Then we visit the villages of Ccoya, Lamay, Calca and Urubamba. Buffet lunch.

In the afternoon, guided visit to the village of Ollantaytambo; place where the archaeological park of Ollantaytambo is located, a gigantic social, military, administrative, agricultural and religious complex in the time of Tahuantinsuyo.

Finally, we will enter the town of Chinchero, known for its handicraft textile centres. Return to the city of Cusco.

** Overnight in Cusco.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Pick up from the hotel at the coordinated time, transfer to the train station in Ollantaytambo to start our trip to the Machu Picchu Citadel, after a 1:45 hours journey. By train, a representative of our travel agency will meet you at the Aguas Calientes station and then transfer you to the bus station, where we will take the bus that will take us to the lost city of Inkas, “Machu Picchu”, rediscovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham.

We will enjoy a guided tour of the main buildings of the Citadel, such as: El Mirador, Temple of the Three Windows, Intihuatana, Main Square, etc. Return to the city of Aguas Calientes.

Lunch in a local restaurant. In the afternoon, we will take the train back to Ollantaytambo station, where a transfer will be waiting for you to take you to the bus that will take you back to the city of Cusco.

** Overnight in (Aguas Calientes-Machupicchu village).

Day 9: CUSCO

Breakfast at the hotel.

At the appropriate time, departure transfer.

Breakfast on this day will depend on the time of transfer from the hotel.

Please note:

Tour times will be confirmed at the destination.




  • Services with a professional bilingual guide (Spanish or English).
  • Tickets included.
  • In / out transfers in Lima.
  • 02 nights of accommodation in Lima with breakfast.
  • walk tour city of Lima.


  • Bus ticket (Lima / Paracas) (Paracas / Ica) (Ica / Nazca) – Shared service – Cruz del Sur or similar.
  • Night bus ticket (Nazca / Cusco) – Night on board – Cruz del Sur or similar.
  • 01 nights of accommodation in Paracas with breakfast.
  • Paracas National Reserve.
  • Tour of the island of Ballestas.
  • Inbound / outbound transfers in Ica.
  • 01 nights of accommodation in Ica with breakfast.
  • Panoramic tour of the city of Ica
  • Transfers in / out in Nazca.
  • Transfers in / out in Nazca.
  • Nazca overflight lines (does not include the tax s /. 30.00 to be paid at destination, subject to change / does not include hotel).


  • Transfers in / out of Cusco
  • 03 nights of accommodation in Cusco with breakfast.
  • City Tour and Nearby Archaeological Centers.
  • Sacred Valley of the Incas with lunch.
  • Machu Picchu: by Peru Rail Expedition or Executive Inca Rail (subject to availability).
  • 01 lunch in Machu Picchu in a local restaurant.


  • National or international plane tickets.
  • Services not detailed in the program.



  • All rates are expressed in US dollars (optional for currency exchange) and are programmed per person.
  • The rates valid for Peruvians only include VAT.
  • All our rates are subject to availability and changes.
  • Children under 02 years and 11 months are considered INF (babies), do not pay any service and do not have the right to food, bed or seat on the tours.
  • DCC (child) is considered a child from 03 to 10 years and 11 months, has a special rate and shares a room with parents.
  • Children over 11 years old considered adults
  • Minors must travel with an identity document.
  • Rates do not apply to holidays, Easter, long weekends, national holidays, Christmas or New Years.

More Information

Lima – City of Kings

The City of Lima is the capital of Peru or also known as the City of the Kings. It is located on the central coast of the country, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, flanked by the coastal desert and extended over the valleys of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers.ico, flanqueado por el desierto costero y extendido sobre los valles de los ríos Chillón, Rímac y Lurín.

In Lima Peru, everything is in constant motion, and therefore the past is not far behind; and is that the City of Lima offers you such a diverse multiplicity of emotions, sensations, colors and flavors.

La Ciudad de Lima está llena de riqueza colonial, es la única capital de América del Sur con acceso al mar y que será nombrada Capital Gastronómica de América Latina.

What Places can you Visit in the City of Lima?

Did You Know About Gastronomy in Lima?

Considerado el Gastron capital OMIC de América Latina , todo en Lima gira alrededor de la comida. Y esto se nota en sus excelentes restaurantes, bares y tabernas donde se fusionan miles de años de sabores e ingredientes de la costa, montaña y selva. Si eres amante de la buena comida, esta será una de las experiencias que querrás repetir más de una vez.

Impossible not to try the emblematic ceviche or a good pisco sour; eat a chifa or savor the delicious anticuchos; visit the Central, Maido or Astrid & Gastón restaurants, considered the best in the world according to The World’s 50 Best Restaurant, A fascinating journey through aromas, textures and endless surprises that will make your mouth water.

Paracas National Reserve

Recognized worldwide for the richness and diversity of species that inhabit the sea that bathes its desert coasts and for the number of its own and migratory birds, which during some months of the year come to Peru fleeing the cold. This protected area also has a whole area of ​​wetlands, where birds such as flamingos, seagulls, penguins nest, it is even possible that you see the flight of a condor. Famous for the presence of sea lions of various types.

¿Qué animales se pueden observar en la Reserva Nacional de Paracas?

  • The flamenco.
  • The white sandpiper.
  • The fishing eagle.
  • El águila pescadora.
  • The Pelican.
  • The guanay or our favorite.
  • The Peruvian pikeman.

How is it known in Ica?

The city of Ica is known as the city of the eternal sun, because, as its name suggests, the intense heat that invades its streets throughout the year. This city is located in the province and in the department of the same name, and is the capital of the department in which it is located.

The Ballestas Islands

he Ballestas islands are located in front of Paracas, and there are three small islands, Ballestas Norte, Ballestas Centro and Ballestas Sur; each has an area of ​​approximately 0.12 km². The islands are located outside the Paracas National Reserve area.

The Ballestas islands are composed of rock formations where there is an important marine fauna with guano birds such as the guanay, the booby and the tendril mainly, the North, Central and South Ballestas Islands stand out.

How many hours from Lima to Ica?

The distance from Lima to Ica has an extension of 311 km. and an estimated travel time of approximately 5 hours

Why is Ica famous?

Ica is famous for its countryside, wine centers; for the quality of its wines, being in this area the most important wine producers. The Ica valley was the center of development of two important pre-Hispanic cultures, that of Paracas (Pisco) and Nazca (Nazca).

Sacred Valley

Hidden under the tawny slopes of formidable hills, the beautiful Urubamba River Valley, known as The Sacred Valley.

It is located about 15 km north of Cuzco while the condor flies, through a narrow road with hairpin bends.

This quiet and attractive corner of the Andes with attractive colonial towns and secluded woven towns is well worth exploring. The star attractions are the markets and the towering Inca citadels of Pisac and Ollantaytambo, but they are also packed with other Inca sites.

Its countless hiking trails are deservedly gaining popularity. Adrenaline activities range from rafting to rock climbing.

If you want to visit the sacred valley, the first thing you should do is buy the Cusco Tourist Ticket, with which you will have access to various attractions of the city and the Sacred Valley.



We have price alternatives that accommodate all budgets, prices per person, expressed in US Dollars.

Make your quotes and reservations by email [email protected], you can also communicate with one of our sales executives at the telephones detailed below, we will be happy to assist you.

Phone – WhatsApp: +51 969 787 221
Phone – WhatsApp: +51 986 994 218


To start the reservation process, please send us the following information:

  • Name and surname:
  • Passport number:
  • Nationality:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Phone:
  • Very important – We need the address and information about the hotel that you are staying at, in the city of Lima, to be able to pick you up at the time when the tour starts

To confirm reservations it is required to pay 50% in advance and the other 50% can be paid upon arrival at your destination.




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