Availability Inca Trail 2025

Travel to Perú from US

The State Department advises American citizens to reconsider travel abroad due to the global impact of COVID-19.

International borders remain closed.

US citizens and LPRs traveling on flights with destinations or stopovers in other countries should contact travel agencies directly for more information.

Travel to Perú from US in a repatriation flight

Peruvians who were stranded abroad due to the cancellation of their flights due to the declaration of a health emergency in Peru, will return to the country in the shortest time thanks to the Executive’s provision for national and foreign airlines to enable itineraries corresponding.

The norm specifies that, in the case of Peruvians that need to travel to Perú from US, once they arrive in the country “they must comply with mandatory social isolation in accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Health.”

Emergency Passport:

US citizens who need an emergency passport to to travel to Perú from US on a repatriation flight can make an appointment at the US Embassy. Appointments are reserved ONLY for US citizens who are traveling on a scheduled repatriation flight. Routine passport services are still closed. To schedule an emergency appointment, write to [email protected].

Flight costs:

Although the US Embassy coordinates with private sector partners, ultimately, private airlines set their own prices. Air ticket prices to travel to Perú from US are business decisions that factor in the costs associated with operating non-standard flights without the infrastructure and support of an open commercial airport. The United States Embassy does not determine the price.

For passengers purchasing flights directly from commercial airlines or travel agencies, please note that prices for private flights are generally higher than pre-COVID-19 market prices. If you need financial assistance, consider the following options:

Your credit card company in the United States may be willing to temporarily increase your credit limit;

Family or friends can help to buy the plane ticket and / or accommodation directly with a credit card; family or friends can send you money.

Transit letters for ticket holders:

The United States Embassy provides transit letters to the organizing airline or travel agency for use by ticket holders in the Lima area. Passengers ticketed in Lima should contact the airline or travel provider to receive a transit letter. Travelers coming from outside Lima or through restricted areas should send an email to [email protected] after purchasing a ticket on a repatriation flight. Submit your request in less than 24 hours before traveling to Lima.

Repatriation eligibility:

Typically, the U.S. Embassy provides repatriation assistance only to U.S. citizens and persons with legal permanent residence. Exceptions can be made to accommodate special family circumstances, such as the spouse or other close relative of a US citizen traveling with a relative of the US citizen. Additionally, medical and health professionals working in response to COVID19 globally, such as physicians and healthcare professionals, may be eligible for charter flights.

Travel restrictions related to COVID-19:

US citizens who travel to Perú from US or through restricted areas for a repatriation flight should email [email protected] at least 24 hours prior to traveling to Lima for more information. We encourage all U.S. citizens to comply with the quarantine measures of the Peruvian Government and to follow the instructions of the Peruvian authorities.

Measures that the passenger must comply with

  • Only the passenger will enter the air facility. However, if you require assistance for your transfer, you may be accompanied by a person.
  • Travelers must be three hours before their flight if they board at the Jorge Chávez International Airport, and two hours in advance when they board the aircraft at the provincial air facilities.
  • Upon entering the air terminal, the temperature will be taken, who must wear a mask and face shield. In addition, they will disinfect the soles of your shoes and hands.
  • Deliver a health statement with personal data. The document facilitates the location of the passenger. Thus, you will be notified in case you have been sitting near a patient with coronavirus.

Air travel within Peru:

Air travel within Peru is limited to domestic flights. Peru’s Ministry of Transportation and Communications (MTC) and the Ministry of Health (MINSA) have established new health and safety guidelines for air travel. Travelers are encouraged to follow the guidelines outlined below. For more information, see the security protocols published by the MTC

  • Check-in (Register): Passengers departing from Jorge Chávez International Airport in Lima must arrive three (3) hours prior to departure for check-in. Travelers departing from regional airports must arrive two (2) hours prior to departure.
  • Face Coverings: Face masks are required in addition to face shields.
  • Health assessment: all passengers will have their temperature taken before entering the airport. People with a fever or temperature higher than 38ºC (100.4ºF) will not be able to enter the passenger terminal.
  • Ticketed Passengers: Only ticketed passengers are allowed in the airport terminals. Individuals requiring special assistance may have one (1) person accompany them at the airport to assist with check-in.
  • Children: children under 14 can only travel with a parent or guardian. Children cannot travel unaccompanied.
  • Affidavits: All passengers (including minors) must sign an affidavit prior to boarding, stating that they have no symptoms of COVID-19 and have not been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

Overland travel:

Overland travel within Peru is limited to domestic travel. Travelers on interprovincial buses must also follow MTC and MINSA security protocols. The guidelines are summarized below. For more information on interprovincial (regional) travel, see the safety protocols published by the MTC.

  • Check-in: ticketed passengers must arrive early.
  • Face Coverings: Face masks are required in addition to face shields.
  • Health evaluation: the temperature of all passengers will be taken.
  • Seats: passengers are prohibited from standing on buses; all passengers must be seated.
  • Affidavits: All passengers (including minors) must sign an affidavit prior to boarding, stating that they have no symptoms of COVID-19 and have not been exposed to COVID-19 in the past 14 days.

National State of Emergency of Perú

Extension of quarantine restrictions: On August 28, the president of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, signed a supreme decree that expands quarantine measures to combat the spread of COVID-19 in Peru. The 10:00 p.m. curfew at 4:00 a.m. From Monday to Saturday and all day on Sunday they remain in force in most of Peru, with the exception of the following regions, in which there is a mandatory quarantine from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m.:

Quarantine Areas (as of August 28, 2020): Amazonas (Bagua, Chachapoyas, Condorcanqui and Utcubamba); Ancash (Santa, Casma and Huarmey); Apurímac (Abancay); Arequipa (Cailloma, Camaná, Castilla, Islay); Ayacucho (Huamanga, Huanta, Lucanas and Parinacochas); Cajamarca (Cajamarca and Jaén); Cusco (the entire region); Huancavelica (Huancavelica, Angaraes and Tayacaja); Huánuco (Huánuco, Leoncio Prado, Puerto Inca and Humalíes); Ica (Ica, Pisco, Nasca and Palpa); Junín (Huancayo, Satipo and Chanchamayo); La Libertad (Trujillo, Virú, Sánchez Carrión, Pacasmayo, Chepén and Ascope); Lima (Barranca, Cañete, Huaura and Huaral); Mother of God (Tambopata); Moquegua (the entire region); Pasco (Pasco and Oxapampa); Puno (the entire region); and Tacna (the entire region).

In the aforementioned quarantine areas, only one person per family will be allowed to leave the home during non-quarantine hours. We encourage all U.S. citizens in the aforementioned areas to comply with the quarantine measures of the Peruvian government and to follow the instructions of the Peruvian authorities.

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