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Lima – Paracas – Ica – Arequipa – Puno – Cusco 15 Days

Peru Tour Machu Picchu 15 days visiting: City tour in Lima, City tour in Cusco, tour to the Sacred Valley of the Inkas, Tour to Machu Picchu with Huaynapicchu, tour in Lake Titicaca, Uros floating island, Taquile Island, Canyon tour from Colca in 2 days and 1 night, Ballestas Islands, Paracas Reserve and overflight in the Nazca Lines.

This tour offers a mixture of tourist attractions of great importance and greater tourist influx in each department such as: Cusco, Ica, Paracas, Nazca, Puno, Arequipa.

icon clock Duration: 15 Daysicon sleep Acomodation: Hotel
icon mountain Difficulty: Lowicon calendar Season: All year
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Reception at Lima airport and transfer to the hotel by a representative of our travel agency. Rest of the day free.

** Accommodation in Lima.


Breakfast at the hotel.

ANCESTRAL FILE; We begin our tour with a view of the Miraflores district, with a panoramic view of the «Pirámide de Pucllana», a magnificent pre-Inka ceremonial center built in the 4th century AD. This survived the urban expansion of Lima. Then we go to the Parque del Amor, on the Malecón de Miraflores, where we will observe the Pacific Ocean, passing through the Olivar San Isidro Park.

COLONIAL LIMA; We visit the Historic Center of Lima, where you can appreciate more than fifty monuments and colonial buildings, especially the Paseo da República, Plaza San Martín, where a brief explanation of all the events took place, the Plaza Mayor, the Government Palace, the Palace Archbishop, the Basilica Cathedral, the Municipal Palace, among others.

We will enter one of the most important convents of the seventeenth century, the Convent of San Francisco. We will visit the old Library, the Choir, the Main Cloister and the underground crypts known as catacombs. At the end of our tour, you will have the option of staying at the Indian market in Larcomar or returning to your hotel.

** Accommodation in Lima.


Breakfast at the hotel.

05h40min Hrs. Transfer to the Cruz del Sur bus station.

06h40min Hrs. Departure to the city of Paracas by tourist bus.

10h40min Hrs. Arrival in the city of Paracas, reception and transfer.

11h00min Visit to Paracas Reserve

This is a huge protected area located southwest of the city of Pisco. The name of this beautiful place is derived from a Quechua word that means “sand rain”, probably due to the strong winds that blow at night in this place. The Paracas Reserve is also very important, since its waters inhabit abundant amounts of zooplankton and phytoplankton, which allows a variety of fish that allow industrial and artisanal fishing. This is a very important activity in the city of Pisco.

The Paracas Reserve is located on an area of ​​335,000 hectares and is considered one of the most important ecosystems on the planet. During our visit, we can enjoy the beautiful cliffs and beaches along this promenade (Playa Roja, Playa de Yumaque, Lagunilla). We can also enjoy groups of flamingos that feed by the sea. To better appreciate these beautiful birds, you will have to take a short walk to a small viewpoint from which they can be seen more closely.

According to some historians, these were the birds that inspired the liberator San Martín to create the colors of our red and white flag. Then you can visit the Interpretation Center of the Reserve, in this place we can learn about the marine flora and fauna of the Paracas Reserve. Free afternoon.

** Accommodation in Paracas.


Breakfast at the hotel.

07:45 Hrs. Transfer to the pier.

08:00 Hrs. Departure by boat to the Ballestas Islands. Paracas Peninsula Tour, the most important wildlife sanctuary on the Peruvian coast. Travel by motorboat to the Ballestas Islands, in the Paracas National Reserve, where we will have the opportunity to see the «Chandelier», a giant figure in the style of the Nazca Lines made in the sand.

Also, watch sea lions, silly birds, pelicans, penguins, and other seabirds. Get back to the dock. Approximate duration 2 hours

10:45 a.m. Departure to Ica by tourist bus.

12:10 Hrs. Arrival in the city of Ica and transfer to start our tour. City Panoramic Tour of the City of Ica, we will have the following visits:

The Cathedral of the city of Ica, some vineyards in the region and La Laguna de la Huacachina is a traditional resting place for the locals, the Laguna looks like an Oasis in the city ​​center. desert, formed a splendid landscape of dunes and huarangos. Transfer to the chosen hotel.

** Accommodation in Ica.


Breakfast at the hotel.

09:00 Departure to the city of Nazca by tourist bus.

At 11:15 am, arrival in the city of Nazca and transfer to the airport, where we will have an introductory video of the Nazca Lines.

FLIGHT TO THE NAZCA LINES; We will board at 11:30. a plane that flies over the mysterious Nazca lines; Huge line drawings of animals, birds and geometric figures, drawn in the desert, which can only be enjoyed from the air, we will finish this adventure around 3:00 p.m. (Free afternoon). At the agreed time, transfer to the Cruz del Sur Bus Station to board the bus to the city of Arequipa. The Nazca bus leaves at 10:45 PM, Travel time: 10 hours.

** Night on board the bus.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Reception in the city of Arequipa and transfer to the hotel. In the afternoon, we will visit the city of Arequipa: El Mirador de Carmen Alto (place where you can see the Chilina Valley), Miradouro Yanahuara, Santa Catalina Convent, a 17th century “small town” opened to the public in 1970 after of 400 years of cloister,

transporting its visitors four centuries in the past, you will visit numerous and wide patios and gardens, the kitchen and the slave quarters of the slaves and the stone washings, the Plaza de Armas, where we will see the Cathedral ( facade only), the Church and the Cloisters of the Society of Jesus (Dome of San Ignacio). Back to the hotel.

** Accommodation in Arequipa


Breakfast at the hotel.

We will begin our journey on the way to Yura through the Chachani Skirts, Pampa Arrieros, to enter Pampa Cañahuas, where we can enjoy the slender slips of the vicuña. We continue through Vizcachani, Pampas de Toccra, where we will appreciate a large number of migratory birds as locals, and then we will delimit the chucura crater to reach Patapampa (4,800 masl);

We will arrive at the Mirador de los Andes, known as Mirador dos Vulcos, where we can observe the volcanoes of Chachani, Misti and Pichu Pichu, which are those that surround the city of Arequipa. , then we will descend to the city of Chivay for lunch (on behalf of pax).

Hotel accommodation. In the afternoon at leisure, we suggest you visit the thermal baths of La Calera, where we will take a refreshing bath in the medicinal waters.

** Accommodation in Colca


Breakfast at the hotel.

After breakfast very early, we will go to the Cruz del Cóndor (41 km from Chivay), where we will enjoy the flight of the Condors in masterful flights and the depth of the Canyon, then we will visit the towns of Pinchollo, Maca, Achoma and Yanque, we will have several stops in the main Mirahuos of Antahuilque and Choquetico, where we will appreciate Colcas, Hanging Tombs, Litomatas and others; We will return to Chivay, where we will have time to have lunch (on behalf of the pax).

Then we will begin our trip to the city of Puno by the same route on the first day, making the detour in Patahuasi (from this location the road is completely paved to the city of Puno). On the way, you will see different Andean landscapes, such as stone forests, immense lagoons with various birds, small towns in the region, the cities of Imata, Santa Lucía and the city of Juliaca.

After six hours of travel, at approximately 7:30 pm. We will arrive at the Terrestrial Terminal in Puno. Where a representative of our travel agency will be waiting for you to transfer you to the hotel.

** Accommodation in Puno


Breakfast at the hotel.

Very early transfer from the hotel to the dock or main port, to board our boat and visit the Floating Islands of Los Uros, currently considered the National Reserve of Lake Titicaca, about 30 minutes, the people of the Uros still maintain their own culture and tradition, as well as artisanal fishing, mainly (KARACHI) and prateira. When the catch is abundant, they keep the fish by drying them in the sun. They also hunt wild birds and collect duck eggs.

There are 75 islands living today, and each island is well organized. After a short visit of 40 min. Approximately, we will continue the trip to the Natural Island of Taquile, whose inhabitants are mainly dedicated to agriculture, crafts and fishing. The locals continue to live in accordance with their ancient Inca traditions and laws, with customs, religious and popular manifestations, such as: marriage (Sirvinacuy), payment of the land (Pachamama).

It should be noted that spinning and weaving are mainly done by men, from the age of eight. Women exclusively manufacture threads and fabrics. Then we will try a typical lunch included. After lunch: Passengers will have two free hours to visit the artisan center of the city, take pictures with panoramic views and return to the city of Puno (to their respective hotels).

** Accommodation in Puno


Breakfast at the hotel.

Transfer to the bus station at 06:45 AM Departure from Cusco city by a tourist bus service.

We will travel along the Collao plateau, stopping in the city of Pucara, famous for its Lithic Museum, pyramid-shaped constructions and its pottery, being the TORITO DE PUCARA its most representative figure.

On the way, we pass through La Raya, which is the border between the cities of Cusco and Puno at more than 4,335 m.s.l. Where is the famous CHIMBOYA with snow. Where tourists can take photos of the landscape, the visit lasts from 5 to 7 minutes. Buffet lunch in a quiet rural restaurant, where you can enjoy the delicious culinary art of the region, we stop in Raqchi, where we can see a spectacular Inca Sanctuary built by the Inca Pachacuteq and dedicated to the great God Wiracocha.

It has a large central wall with a stone base of beautiful Inca architecture. The other walls are made of giant adobe bricks. The structure also has two circular side columns. Around the temple, we find several buildings used as housing or warehouse.

Later, we continue to the beautiful city of Andahuaylillas and visit the Church of San Pedro de Andahuaylillas, dating from the 17th century, better known as the Sistine Chapel of the Americas, due to its polychrome ceiling and the beauty of its murals.

Pan de Oro and the paintings of the Cusqueña school, which it houses inside. Arrival at the bus station in Cusco, reception and transfer to the chosen hotel, by a representative of our travel agency.

** Accommodation in Cusco


Breakfast at the hotel.

Reception at the bus station and transfer to the hotel chosen by a representative of our travel agency. Departure from the hotel between 1:00 p.m. and 1:20 p.m., to begin with the visit to the city and the nearby archaeological centers: the Tour will show us the impressive colonial city built on the foundations of Inkas; we will visit the cathedral; Renaissance structure and beautiful paintings from the “School of Cuzco”, Koricancha or Temple of the Sun; known as the Royal House of the Sun of Urin Cusco. We continue with the visit to the four Archaeological Centers:

Sacsayhuaman; large fortress located 5 km from the city, Qenqo; sacred amphitheater, center of worship of the god Puma, place where human sacrifices were made, Pucapucara; red fortress due to the tone that its rocks acquire in the twilight and Tambomachay; temple to worship water.

** Accommodation in Cusco.


Breakfast at the hotel.

Hotel search service at the agreed time to make our visit to the Sacred Valley. During the tour, we will visit the city of Pisaq; the picturesque colonial city of the mestizo, also on Sundays, mass is celebrated in Quechua and then rises to the archaeological center of Pisaq; where we can observe the magnificent Inca architecture platforms, then we will visit the towns of Ccoya, Lamay, Calca and Urubamba.

Buffet lunch In the afternoon, guided visit to the village of Ollantaytambo; place where the archaeological park of Ollantaytambo is located, a gigantic administrative, social and religious agricultural complex in the time of Tahuantinsuyo DIA


Breakfast at the hotel.

Hotel search service. Transfer to the train station in Ollantaytambo to begin our journey to the Citadel of Machu Picchu, after a 1:45 hour tour. By train, a representative of our travel agency awaits you at the Aguas Calientes station and then transfers you to the bus station, where we will take the bus that will take us to the lost city of Inkas, «Machu Picchu», rediscovered in 1911 by Hiram Bingham. We will enjoy a guided tour of the main

Buildings of the Citadel, such as: El Mirador, Temple of the Three Windows, Intihuatana, Plaza Mayor, etc.

We will return to the city of Aguas Calientes. Lunch at a local restaurant. In the afternoon, we will take the train to return to the Ollantaytambo station, where a transfer awaits you to direct you to the bus that will take you back to the city of Cusco.

** Accommodation in Aguas Calientes.


In this program we will visit one of the natural attractions of the City of Cusco “The mountain of 7 colors“.

We will start with the pick-up from your respective hotel, between 4:00 and 4:30 am, to then travel for a period of 2 hours towards the south, until you reach the district of Cusipata. Place where we will enjoy our breakfast and a short rest.

We will continue for a period of 1 more hour to the bus station, from where the journey to the Rainbow Mountain will begin (4km).

The walk will last approximately 1 hour and 30 minutes, along the way we will observe the flora and fauna, among which the presence of Llamas and Alpacas stands out, we will even be able to observe mountains such as: Apu Sarinini and Ausangate, which is the highest mountain in Cusco. with an altitude of 6372 m.s.n.m.

In the Inca mythology of this mountain and the nearby lakes, among which is Sivinacocha, from which the masculine energy that fertilizes the holy mother earth “Pachamama” is born.

After a while of walking we will reach the top of the Mountain of 7 Colors (hill of the 7 Colors), where we will have enough time to enjoy this beautiful place and take pictures.

After a brief explanation from our guide, we will return by the same path to the point where we started the walk, to be able to take the transport and go to the restaurant in Cusipata, where we will be able to enjoy our buffet lunch.

After lunch we will start the return trip to Cusco, finishing this beautiful experience. Hours 4:30 pm Approximately.

** Lodging in Cusco.


Breakfast at the hotel. At the moment


The tour schedule will be confirmed at the destination.




  • Shared services with professional bilingual guide (Spanish or English).
  • Tickets included.
  • Transfers in / out in Lima.
  • 02 nights of accommodation in Lima with breakfast.
  • stroll through the city of Lima.


  • Bus ticket (Lima / Paracas) (Paracas / Ica) (Ica / Nazca) – Shared service – Cruz del Sur or similar.
  • Night bus ticket (Nazca / Arequipa) – Night on board – Cruz del Sur or similar.
  • Transfers in / out in Paracas.
  • 01 nights of accommodation in Paracas with breakfast.
  • Paracas National Reserve.
  • Tour of the island of Ballestas.
  • Transfers in / out in Ica.
  • 01 nights of accommodation in Ica with breakfast.
  • Panoramic tour of the city of Ica.
  • Transfers in/out in Nazca.
  • Overflight Nazca lines (does not include tax s/. 30.00 to be paid at destination, subject to changes / does not include hotel).


  • Transfers in / out in Arequipa.
  • Walk in the city of Arequipa and convent of Santa Catalina.
  • 01 nights of accommodation in Arequipa with breakfast.
  • Colca 2 days / 1 night.
  • 01 night accommodation in Colca with breakfast.
  • Tourist entrance to enter the Colca.
  • Tourist bus service Chivay / Puno.
  • Bus ticket (Chivay / Puno) – Express.


  • Transfers in / out in Puno.
  • 02 nights of accommodation in Puno with breakfast.
  • Uros and Taquile floating island with typical lunch.
  • Bus in tourist service (Puno / Cusco) with road tours and picnic.


  • Transfers in / out in Cusco.
  • 04 nights of accommodation in Cusco with breakfast.
  • 01 nights of accommodation in Aguas Calientes with breakfast.
  • City Tour and Nearby Archaeological Centers.
  • Sacred Valley of the Incas with lunch.
  • Machu Picchu: by Peru Rail Expedition or Executive Inca Rail (subject to availability).
  • 01 lunch in Machu Picchu in a local restaurant.


  • National or international plane tickets.
  • Services not detailed in the program.
  • Does not include hot or cold drinks.

Contact Us


  • All rates are in US dollars (optional for currency exchange) and are scheduled per person.
  • The valid rates for Peruvians only include IGV.
  • All our rates are subject to availability and changes.
  • Children under 02 years and 11 months are considered INF (babies), do not pay any service and do not have the right to food, bed or seat on tours.
  • DCC (child) is considered a child from 03 to 10 years and 11 months, has a special rate and shares a room with parents.
  • Children over 11 years considered adults.
  • Minors must travel with an identity document.
  • Rates do not apply to holidays, Easter, long weekends, national holidays, Christmas or New Year.

More Information

Lima – City of Kings

The City of Lima is the capital of Peru or also known as the City of Kings. It is located on the central coast of the country, on the shores of the Pacific Ocean, flanked by the coastal desert and extended over the valleys of the Chillón, Rímac and Lurín rivers.

In Lima Peru, everything is in constant movement, and therefore the past is not far behind; and it is that the City of Lima offers you such a diverse multiplicity of emotions, sensations, colors and flavors.

The City of Lima is full of colonial wealth, it is the only capital in South America with access to the sea and to be named the Gastronomic Capital of Latin America.

Did you know about gastronomy in Lima?

Considered the Gastronomic Capital of Latin America, in Lima everything revolves around food. And this can be seen in its excellent restaurants, bars and taverns where thousands of years of flavors and ingredients from the coast, mountains and jungle merge. If you are a fan of good food, this will be one of the experiences that you will want to repeat more than once.

Impossible not to try the emblematic cebiche or a good pisco sour; eat a chifa or savor the delicious anticuchos; visit the Central, Maido or Astrid & Gastón restaurants, considered the best in the world according to The World’s 50 Best Restaurant, A fascinating journey through aromas, textures and endless surprises that will make your mouth water.

How is Ica known?

The city of Ica is known as the city of the eternal sun, due to, as its name indicates, the intense heat that invades its streets throughout the year. This city is located in the province and department of the same name, and is the capital of the department in which it is located.

Paracas National Reserve

Recognized worldwide for the richness and diversity of species that inhabit the sea that bathes its desert coasts and for the number of its own and migratory birds, which during some months of the year come to Peru fleeing the cold. This protected area also has a whole area of wetlands, where birds such as flamingos, seagulls, penguins nest, it is even possible that you will see the flight of a condor. Famous for the presence of sea lions of various types.

The Ballestas Islands

The Ballestas Islands are located in front of Paracas, and are three small islands, Ballestas Norte, Ballestas Centro and Ballestas Sur; each one has an approximate area of 0.12 km². The islands are located outside the Paracas National Reserve area.

The Ballestas Islands are made up of rock formations where there is an important marine fauna with guano birds such as the guanay, the booby and the tendril, mainly the North, Central and South Ballestas Islands.


Arequipa is located at an elevation of 2,325 m in the desert mountains of the Andes. This beautiful city is built almost entirely of ashlar, a kind of white volcanic stone. This is the reason why Arequipa is called the White City. With its one million inhabitants, Arequipa is the second largest city in Peru. The main location, the Plaza de Armas, is the most beautiful in the country. The Cathedral is magnificent and the shopping galleries are in colonial style.

Arequipa legendary and historical white city of stone is a World Heritage Site according to Unesco. Watched over by its beautiful volcanoes in Ampato, Chachani, especially the Misti Volcano. With its streets, buildings and churches of a spectacular colonial construction; with a wonderful geography that gives us a fertile valley and some deep canyons between them, Cotahuasi and Colca, whose beauty and impact are impressive.

Monasterio de Santa Catalina

The Monasterio de Santa Catalina de Siena, or also known as the Santa Catalina Convent, is a religious tourist complex located in the historic center of Arequipa.

What makes the visit especially interesting is that the monastery is itself a small city, 20,000m2 surrounded by a 4-meter-high wall that separated the life of the cloistered nuns from that of the rest of the inhabitants of Arequipa.

And if you want to directly connect the City of Puno – Lake Titicaca after the Colca canyon, you also have this option of 2 days in Colca with transfer to Puno. It is perfect for not having to go back to the city of Arequipa!

Colca Canyon or Colca Valley

The Colca Valley is one of the largest tourist destinations in Peru. Colca comes from the words Collaguas and Cabanas, two ethnic groups that lived along the Colca River. This canyon has a depth of 4160 m, and it is the fourth deepest canyon on the planet.

Why is the Colca Canyon important?

The Colca Canyon is home to impressive giant birds such as the Andean condor and it is the best place to witness the Flight of the Condor, it is from the Mirador de la ´Cruz del Cóndor´, in this place visitors will be able to appreciate it up close. the glide of this majestic endangered bird found today.

How many Condors can you see and/or find in the Colca Canyon?

Some 31 condors exist in the Colca Valley, located in the Arequipa region – Peru.


Puno is a city in southern Peru located next to Lake Titicaca, one of the largest lakes in South America and the highest navigable body of water in the world. It is also considered the “folk capital” of Peru, for its traditional festivals with lively music and dance performances. Iconic sites include the Puno Cathedral, a Baroque-style Andean construction, and the 19th-century Yavarí steamship (currently operating as a hostel).

Puno Customs:

  • Festival of the Virgin of Candelaria.
  • Festival of Payment to the Earth.
  • Carnivals in Puno.
  • Patronal festival of San Juan de Dios.
  • Feast of the Crosses.
  • Feast of Santiago Apostle.
  • Festival of the Virgen de las Mercedes.
  • Staging by Manco Cápac and Mama Ocllo.

What you should know about Lake Titicaca.

Lake Titicaca is the highest in the world, at more than 3,800 meters high. As you know, it has a part in Bolivia and another in Peru, as well as several inhabited islands that can be visited.

On the Peruvian side are: Isla los Uros, Isla Taquile and Isla Amantaní in Puno, three different places with an interesting, attractive and captivating culture.

Did you know about the Uros Islands what?

The Uros island is made up of about 80 artificial islands, which are usually the first stop when visiting Lake Titicaca. Its inhabitants are considered to be the oldest in the area, and that they were nomads who arrived from Bolivia.

Today about 2000 people live on the Uros islands. And their language is Aymara and they learn Spanish at the school that is located on one of the islands.

The Isla los Uros are built by their own inhabitants with reeds from the same lake and they take more or less a year to make each one, said Islands and usually last about 30-40 years. They also use the reed for their boats.

History of the Citadel of Machu Picchu – Machupicchu

This ancient Inca city known as Machu Picchu or Machupicchu, is one of the most precious treasures of Peru. It was built in the mid-15th century and it is believed that it was one of the residences of the ninth Inca of Tahuantinsuyo, Pachacútec (Considered the great transformer of the Inca empire), although it also contains the remains of a great Sanctuary (Sacred Place where worshiped its various gods, especially the Sun God), with various temples such as: Temple of the Sun, Temple of the 3 Windows, Temple of Pachamama, Inti Huatana, the Royal Mausoleum, among others.

Its name means old mountain – Machu Picchu, and refers to the place where it is located, at about 2,453 meters above sea level, on a rocky premonitory between Machu Picchu and Huayna Picchu. Machu Picchu is divided into 3 sectors: agricultural sector, religious sector, urban sector.

Currently, this Inca jewel is one of the tourist centers of the country. Travelers come to Aguas Calientes to start the Inca route that Hiram Bingham popularized at the beginning of the 20th century.

The Machu Picchu Historic Sanctuary is considered one of the Seven New Wonders of the Modern World and has been declared a World Heritage Site in 1983. Machu Picchu Peru.



We have price alternatives that accommodate all budgets, prices per person, expressed in US Dollars.

Make your quotes and reservations by email [email protected], you can also communicate with one of our sales executives at the telephones detailed below, we will be happy to assist you.

Phone – WhatsApp: +51 969 787 221
Phone – WhatsApp: +51 986 994 218


To start the reservation process, please send us the following information:

  • Name and surname:
  • Passport number:
  • Nationality:
  • Date of Birth:
  • Phone:
  • Very important – We need the address and information about the hotel that you are staying at, in the city of Lima, to be able to pick you up at the time when the tour starts

To confirm reservations it is required to pay 50% in advance and the other 50% can be paid upon arrival at your destination.




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