Hello bloggers, today we going to talk, write about the international Gay Pride (LGBT), that is celebrated in 28 June, each year. We are Gay Friendly Agency. Read more in the blog below
The History about:

The Pride Day LGBT is celebrated every year on June 28 in many parts of the world, although in reality, this entire month also serves to celebrate Pride month. International LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual) Pride Day, or also known as Gay Pride Day, is a special date for members of the community, because it is a reminder that they still do not have the same rights as the rest of the citizenry. In addition, not to forget the cases of violence, discrimination and hate crimes of which they are victims.
The history of LGBT Pride Month begins in the mid-20th century, in New York. After the well-known Stonewall conflict, which occurred on June 28, 1969, a series of social movements broke out in various parts of the world demanding respect and freedoms for sexual diversity. That is why June 28 is the International LGBT + Pride Day, because it was the first time that the LGBT community came together in the United States to fight for their rights.
About the riots 1969:

It was early morning on June 28, 1969 when a confrontation between the LGBT community and the New York police took place, as the former refused to be arrested for the first time. Around 150 people were in this riot; some of them were arrested and brutally beaten. The riots consisted of a series of spontaneous and violent demonstrations that arose in protest against a police raid that took place in the early morning of June 28 at the Stonewall Inn pub located in the New York neighborhood of Greenwich Village.
The LGBT community came together on that occasion to fight against a system that persecuted non-normative people (LGBT, racialized people …). They also sought to demonstrate that homosexual people were part of society, and fostered a culture of non-confrontation between homosexuals and heterosexuals.
40th anniversary Stonewall riots:

In June 2009, former US President Barak Obama declared June Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Pride month, citing the unrest as a reason to “commit to equality before the law for LGBT Americans. “. That same year marked the 40th anniversary of the Stonewall riots. In 2016, the then president also named the Stonewall Inn a national monument, making the pub the first monument in the United States dedicated to the struggle of the LGBT community: “People got tired of being persecuted and the movement became an essential part of United States, “Obama stressed.
Peru – South America:

Peru is a country that celebrates the international (GAY PRIDE LGBT 28 JUNE) So we from Dreamy Tours, are very glad to receive all from the communities LGBT in Cusco and all Peru.
About the Dreamy Tours Agency:

We receive all public LGBT public, we are a Tour Operator Agency “Gay Friendly” and we welcome all LGBT public in Peru and in Cusco. All are very welcome here LGBT public, lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual. We are (GAY FRIENDLY- LGBT). Peru is a country that celebrates the international (GAY PRIDE LGBT 28 JUNE) So we from Dreamy Tours, are very glad to receive all from the communities LGBT in Cusco and all Peru.
We offer tours in these cities in Peru:
Contact Us:

For more information, please contact us DREAMY TOURS, we will be happy to answer all your questions regarding tours in all Peru and Bolivia.